Saturday, November 17, 2007


NOW YOU HAVE AN INCOME AND A BANK ACCOUNT and are officially in the world wide system of establishing your credit. And it begins with all those "pre-approved" credit card applications. Well, yes it doesn't hurt to open a credit card, but be chosey and pick the lowest high interest rate charge. Most cards have a limit, usually $5,000.00. I recommend never using more than $1,000.00 the first year and pay this back without charging any more on the card. This is now establishing your credit. Hint: never spend more than you have. Your budget now comes into play here. Another very important note; don't put off tomorrow what you need to do today. In other words, the credit card bill will have a due date and the amount you pay should be there by that date. Otherwise, not only will you pay high interest, but also a late fee. And really, you have worked too hard to just give your money away. Sound silly? Not really. One year I decided to start looking down any time I walked and started to pick up money from the ground. At the end of that year, I collected $40.00. Lots of people think it's only a penny or nickle or whatever, but boy can it add up!
So don't give or lose your money. It's yours and be in charge of watching over its care.
Your ATM card can also be used as a credit/debit card, however, it takes the money immediately out of your checking account. This is okay once you have a sound balance to work with, however, be careful with available balances and not being charged for an over-draft fee. By the way, there's no high interest fees on this type of card, yet. And keep your spindle handy for that receipt.
SETTING UP A BUDGET has a lot to do with income. If you make minimum wage, you have to live accordingly. And this is hard unless you live with your parents. Once you can get raises and work more hours, a budget can be easily adapted and used to help you grow. Never be afraid to try and apply yourself to grow and become better. It will probably help make the world better and be more fun. Mom use to say, have a good sense of humor in life and things will be easier to bear. Just remember to not spend more than you get and all of this will fall into place. There's a big world of growing out there and money, without a doubt, makes it all work! When working you set up how your income is handled. If you're single, you claim 0 on your tax deductions. At the end of the year you get to file income tax and probably will get back all the taxes that were held out of your paycheck and paid to the IRS.
You can have direct deposit (highly recommended). Look at what your bills incompass; rent, car payment, and probably cell phone service as well as car insurance ( don't forget the $5.00 saving deposit). If the out-going is more than the incoming, try to adjust some of the billing .i.e. better cell-phone packages without having to take a penalty. At this point, you're trying to get yourself in a good habit of balancing and checks. Be patient because this will take time. Look where you were last year and it's gone and you can never change it, so start from this day to grow. Shall we try to set up a mock budget?
income / bills

6-1-07 $1,000.00 / 6-1-07 $250.00 rent (if you were sharing an apt.)
750.00 / 6-20-07 $ 25.00 cell phone
725.00 / 6-25-07 $250.00 car payment
475.00 / 6-30-07 $175.00 car insurance
300.00 / 6-30-07 $5.00 to savings
bal 295.00

This didn't include food or cost of fuel or even utilities; but that's sort of the idea. These would be on a monthly set up and again would depend on the income for the month. Saving is a great plan and this also can be set up by your employer or bank. Just ask when you first are hired or when you go to your payment department to set up direct deposit. There are probably other sources out there for you to get information, so get busy.

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