Thursday, December 20, 2007


BEING SELECTIVE WHEN IT COMES TO SPENDING is pretty easy to do, but often, the selection seems to have the high cost every where you look. This will happen, especially the closer you get to the final day before the Holiday. Again, check all ads and try the last minute shopping for better prices. And if you are patient enough, the day after a Holiday can be more rewarding. The hardest feat is to be patient, because we tell ourselves if we don't get it right then, someone else will, or at least they will have it before we do. People have actually been willing to spend much more than they should because they " have to have it", and give the "takers" reason to exist. This is our human reactions to the way the world does things, but can be very costly. Training yourself to control your money is an every day event and something that needs to be worked at constantly. Becoming complacent and not taking the actions suggested to protect yourself, again end up being costly. Experience is the best teacher and there will be times you will take a risk and see what results come out of that action, but some things are using your own feelings and learning to trust your decisions.
FOR WHATEVER REASONS, things will happen that end up not the best results, and hind-sight will hit you like a ton of bricks. Be sure to keep your vision in front of you and you should be able to come to a conclusion on what to do. This not only comes to spending, but also to investing and life altering decisions you do make. Getting whatever information needed to help make that decision will help you. This is repeating the past blogs, but another way of working at reaching your goal. Balance and accounting is the way to manage your money to help you reach calm and comfort in your life span. We all deserve nothing less.

Monday, December 17, 2007


THE DAYS ARE COMING TO THE DEADLINE for the last little shopping that needs to be done. This can be the most stressful time of all, but remain calm and you will get through it. Remember to keep your budget at hand and pay all your due bills before going any farther with your shopping. This procedure will help relieve the building stress and remember, there's always Christmas Eve shopping that gives you the best deals cost wise. Never allow yourself to be put in a position that only ends up hurting you and costing you more for the sake of looking good about a gift. Keep in control and do only what you can afford for right now. There will always be next year as long as you're willing to prepare for it. And by managing your money you will be working towards that goal for next year. If you have to put off a bill, be sure to call them and give them a heads up, even if you have to do it every single year till this bill is paid off. But remember, you are creating one of those "bad" ruts if you choose this action and it may not be the right choice to keeping the control of your budget. Use these suggestions if they work for you, because what you have been doing hasn't been working so far. Excuses only delay an already out of hand situation, so staying strong will help you control all the actions you take towards your goals.
ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS AND CELEBRATE the birthday of Jesus as this is what this Holiday is all about. Giving will probably make you feel good no matter how inexpensive the gift, because the thought is what counts. Keeping a light heart is part of the giving experience as everyone will reflect off your brightness as well. Try smiling at everyone you meet and see what happens to that person or persons. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give to anyone is the happy side of yourself. It gets contagious and spreads like a virus. All people want to be hopeful that all is well with the world, and smiling kind of gives that a sample of the hope. Be giving but stay in control and you probably will feel warm inside letting you know that this is what it's all about.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


THIS IS THE SEASON WHEN GIVING is often expected, whether it be your church or just to the poor. Sometimes giving your last $5.00 for one of these occasions will be the most rewarding feeling you will have had all year. It's the sense of being less selfish and acknowledging others around you, becoming a part of something bigger than yourself. Some people actually allow for this in their budget for this time of the year. There are all kinds of organizations that will send you requests in the mail asking for a donation. Having good credit helps these people to know who you are or get the information through your spending means, sometimes being a bank or a store where you purchase and pay for an item. If you allow for this in your budget, you can pretty well select whom you'd like to give to and support. Again, use your judgement and do your homework making sure these organizations are legit and are the ones you wish to support. However, once you do donate to them, you will get requests through out the year and have to use you own decision on how to handle these requests. Being supportive with your own control is something you can decide on how it works for you. Always be alert and check things out before committing to any monetary support from you. Be sure your budget can support what you offer because you can also make a mistake that gets you into financial trouble and will only not work for you or the organization in the long run.
WORKING YOUR BUDGET to fit all things you want to do in your life time is a great task, but one you can do and be rewarded with a good feeling of pride. This alone is worth the wait, to achieve your goal. What you think of yourself should be the major priority towards getting to your goal with the management of your money and know you can and will do this. When looking back at your path to get there, you will enjoy a good story and there probably will be a little glitter in your eyes of feeling proud. Keep your thoughts on your path to your goal and believe in yourself to accomplish your goal. Good luck and from whoever you believe in with his blessing on this journey.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


NOW THAT YOU'RE OUT IN THE BIG WORLD with your money, you need to be alert when it comes to spending it. It's so easy to become distracted and not pay attention to what's going on around you when you're out and about shopping or dining out. I've noticed most unusual things can happen when it comes to dealing with cash. Using an ATM card or credit card needs paper work, so most odd things won't happen as often as with cash. Sometimes things happen accidentally and then other times, it's questionable. But if you stay alert, these accidents won't happen as easily. Know exactly the amount you are paying and never leave it to the waitress or clerk to do the figuring for you. Know what money you should get back in change and always be aware of the amount you give for the bill or tab. People can honestly make mistakes, but if you have a heads up, you will make sure it doesn't happen to you. It can also happen to a clerk just as easily and this I know from experience. It was a busy time of day in the store I worked and a man asked for change for a twenty. With a few swipes of the hand and back and forth, he ended up walking out with an extra ten. And this can happen, but keeping ahead and knowing what to do, it never got a chance to happen again. It was just as easy as saying, I don't have it and asked him to leave cause they will try it with a customer right in front of you.
DURING THE SHOPPING TIMES of this season, try not to carry very much cash. And when using a credit card, always pay attention to what you sign and the amount you sign for. If using an ATM card with a pin number, be aware of the people around you and keep it covered as much as possible. An ounce of prevention is worth watching over your money and protecting you. It's that time of year and the time people you don't usually see other times of the year all of a sudden appear. Especially during these times when money is tight and many people are losing their homes and are going to have a really ugly Christmas for their families. Keeping alert will not only be good for you but you will also help the otherwise bad person from coming out of a potentially good person. Trust is wonderful to have, but it also needs to be handled in a wise and adult way in order for it to be good and useful. There's no room for accusation but being aware will definitely give you control to keep it from getting out of hand. This is your right so don't become intimidated by the other person. This can be done in a simple down to earth action where everyone comes out o.k. Stay alert and enjoy the season.

Friday, December 14, 2007


ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES A PERSON MAKES is thinking it's o.k. to add another bill just because everything runs pretty smooth for a couple of weeks. It is so easy to forget, that just a week ago, you were broke. This week you're fine so you figure why not get that Internet service that's faster, but does cost a lot more. Or maybe you got a raise and decide now is the time to upgrade your cable service. Being sure you are were you want to be and doing all the bill paying and savings should always be in the picture. Not being prepared can be more costly in the long run. If you really can't afford this extra, swallow and forget it for the moment. Everything takes time, and this is where you need to be patient. Most people want everything yesterday, but it will be there tomorrow and maybe cheaper or with more affordable options. Do your homework and not put yourself in a bind where you'll lose the service quickly before you can enjoy it. And there are always many excuses or circumstances for reasoning why you think it's o.k. to act when you aren't ready.
BIG PURCHASES ALREADY WORK AGAINST your budget, but because they are a necessity, you are put in that position right from the start. Needing a car to get back and forth to work is a must and usually your biggest bill along with rent (unless you live with your parents). Essentials include, heat, food, lights, and fuel for your car, but they all contribute to hitting the budget. Adding another non-essential only adds more pressure if you are not really ready to afford the extra cost. Take everything into account when looking at the whole picture and slow down and sleep on it before making that decision. Choosing the right phone service that you can afford may not be your way of doing things, but you will get where you want to be if you work at it. Start small just like you would do when taking a bite of something you've never had and aren't sure you would even like. Keep the "ego" out of the picture and look smart instead of trying to impress others. You're the one that has to deal with your management of your money and they disappear with their own problems. Keep working on that budget and your savings and also work at being patient.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


MOST PEOPLE FEEL THEIR MONEY IN HAND is safer and they can account for it better. But from past experience and having talked with those who have tried this, it really is a bad idea. For one thing, it's just way too easy to spend and not use it for what is needed. There may be a time when checks are not accepted and only money orders or cashiers checks are allowed, and then the money will need to be handy to purchase these items. And figuring out just how much cash to keep on hand is sometimes hard to do. A lot, again, depends on income one gets and what cash needs one has for the week. Some people purchase their car fuel with cash only, as well as milk and bread and cigarettes. Others prefer to use their ATM cards. If you buy lunches during the week, you probably use cash and if you have children they probably get allowances and buy their lunch during the week at school. But overall, knowing what you use and your income can be the deciding factor in the amount you keep on hand. (Don't forget that savings account.)
CASHING YOUR PAY CHECK usually is not the best idea. Bills due are usually larger than the actual pay, so one tends to go ahead and spend it on something else figuring it's not enough anyway. This can become a very "bad" rut to get into by one's reasoning it out this way. Open a savings account, usually $5.00 will open an account, and deposit most of the check, except for maybe $25.00. At least this keeps you from making a choice that will get you no where right at that moment. It's not a solution, only a deterrent from an otherwise panic action. Once you train yourself to keep the money, you can begin on managing it better and getting a handle on it. This can actually become a split second decision and at this point, take a deep breath and slow down. Clearing your thoughts will guide you in the right direction, making it come out with a positive end result.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


WHEN BALANCING A CHECKBOOK OR ACCOUNT it's so simple to make an error that will literally drive you crazy for about half an hour or longer. An example of one of the errors I make is writing down the wrong amount for a withdrawal or charge from the receipt. And of course, I know I don't have to double check myself because I never would make such an error. HA! And I never find it out even when I'm checking off the receipts against the statement. Sure, maybe the figure isn't there, but I just put it aside and continue to try to balance the account. So, we aren't all perfect, and this will happen ( more times than I can count.) I've even tried head math when my little calculator wasn't with me and boy oh boy, age sure doesn't help when it comes to head math. And I was taught without a calculator in school. Even if you don't have your spindle or didn't even write it down (don't recommend at all), you will find out the amount. I guess this could be considered one of the challenges of managing money, but I tend to lose my good sense of humor at this point. If you're like me, you don't have time to be looking for a stray few cents, but in the long-run, those few cents could add up if ignored. One year, our bank accidentally credited our checking account with $100.00. We had it for an entire year, but I have worked with financial institutes and I knew that eventually they would find it, and they did. The very next end of the year statement showed a correction and they took it away. I never did use that money, but it really bugged me every time I had to balance my checking account. They would show it was there every month. In all the accounts I've had with different banks, the errors are few and not of any consequence, and a lot of times errors are from the places I buy things from. Some actually miss-handle the charges or they lose the papers. The new machines have eliminated a lot of paper work, but postings are still done by hand and can be miss-handled easily. But this is rare so rely on their mistakes. Your mistakes are of much more importance.
ALWAYS HAVE AN IDEA OF WHAT IS IN YOUR ACCOUNT but remember the available balance the banks have going on. After a few years of this training about handling your money, you will be able to know exactly where you are. Don't rely on what you will get tomorrow, because things always change. Only work with what is actually there and this should help eliminate any mistakes. Mistakes can become costly. My grandson opened his first checking account and ran an inquiry to see that the money was there. Not being familiar with the banks available balance method, he started spending and began a cycle of charges that kept adding up. When he finally asked them what was going on and had a face-to-face with a consultant at the bank, they explained it to him and he stopped spending to catch up with all the extra fee charges they had added to his account. He was still able to run an inquiry to see his balance, and a lot of times it was right to the figure in his checkbook. It was an expensive lesson, but at an early start and one he won't soon forget. But it is your money, so check out the bank you want to deal with and learn all their requirements.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


HITTING THE SNOOZE ALARM, GETTING UP AND TAKING A SHOWER, AND HAVING A CUP OF COFFEE IN THE MORNING are all part of a routine that hardly varies. But in doing these things, one has trained themselves to process actions of every day life. So goes with the routine of handling ones money. The key part of a routine is prioritizing. Keeping the most important first and so on. Another process in training yourself for the future. Now, teaching and learning what's first is the beginning, but acting on this comes next in the training. Set a certain day aside that will work for you and get into the habit of doing this every week till it becomes routine. Definition; "standard course of action", which some might refer to as a rut.
PROCRASTINATING sounds like a nasty word, but it means to "put off to another time". Now it's true some of ones best works can happen when you wait till the last minute, but along with that comes living on the edge, so to speak. Cramming for a test last minute results in lose of sleep which will be felt later in life. Paying a bill late results in losing extra money which will also be felt later in life. This word is one of those "bad" habits you can train yourself and be difficult to break because it does work.
RUTS are not hard to break and can be improvised on with a little imagination. Money is a serious subject, but again, keep a good sense of humor and enjoy it while you are managing it. Yep, you are actually a manager. Just as you manage your house, family and business, so do you manage your money and don't let it sound scary. Let it be challenging but useful to you also. Once you let it become routine, it will be a lot easier to manage. Having all your information, checkbook, bills and receipts, you can organize your routine on a weekly bases. Amassing everything and processing will be the easy part. Deciding what you need, more income, another job or whatever, will be the next step. Doing this on the designated day is the next step and you are towards your goal. Be sure to set a goal, no matter if it's for a trip or your retirement or child's college or a new car. Keeping that goal always in sight is also not the easiest thing to do, but it will be at the end. And, it can be changed, but don't give it up. They say anything worked for is greatly appreciated in the end. Sounds like another way of being trained, but only time can tell.

Monday, December 10, 2007


ANYONE CAN GET THEIR MONEY MANAGEMENT ON TRACK FROM ANY AGE. Just being willing to work at this is all it takes and maybe a few phone calls. And yes, it will take some time and work, but training always takes a little adjusting to get use to. First, make a list of all owing bills including utilities and food and gas. Know what your income total is for the month and write it down on the same piece of paper you totalled for your bills.
Don't panic, it may be you pay out more than you make and there lies the problem. A lot of people forget to account for all the nickle and dime that's done through out this period of time. This adds up into the picture as well and can put a dent in your "pocket". "Dad/mom, got a dollar for lunch", "Dad/mom, need $5.00 to go to the mall with my friends". "Dad/mom, got 25 cents for whatever". Before you know it, you're hitting the ATM to make up for your empty" pocket", forgetting the money in the account is for bills. (Don't forget that available balance thing all the banks do.) And now you realize you are also lacking the money to meet one of the bills and you instantly get behind. Even though you are a bank, you can train the little ones on use of their money and give them an allowance, telling them once it's gone, they have to wait tell the next week. No loans or advances. In the mean time, call the place you owe the late bill and let them know when you will be paying it. At this point, you also will owe a late charge, and that costs when you don't plan on it. O.K., so remember, you are beginning a training period. Work one to two hours overtime, just to see what this will do to your pay. It might just make up for the late charge and get you back on track. If overtime isn't available for you, consider re-consolidating your owing bill and get a lower payment, although the payment time will take longer and end up costing more than original. But again, don't panic, there is always a solution and the goal is to get yourself back into balance. " Robbing Peter to pay Paul " is really not a solution, unless you can work it out to not have to do visa-versa with Paul. Remember, everything you're doing is training you how to handle your money and break old habits. This can be done with a little work and commitment on your part.
MOST PEOPLE WANT TO CHANGE whatever is happening in their life because it's not working for them and to them, this is reaching the bottom when they decide they need change. If you have gotten there, then you are ready to begin your re-training and breaking of bad habits. Getting information is the first step of change and then applying suggestions is the on-set of the new habit. You will always have set backs, but have a good sense of humor and smile. Nothing is worth it without a little effort on your part. I recently listened to a young football player talk about his hard work of building up his body. He explained he was protecting his future by helping his body endure all the hard punishment it got from the games he played. Someone told him playing football was like putting his body in a car accident. He felt the body had a better chance of lasting without too much damage if he worked to keep it hard and in shape. This is the same for balancing your money. Keep it in shape with some hard work and it will be there for you when you need it.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


MOST EVERYTHING I'VE SUGGESTED is considered "old school". But the idea is to make it as less painful as possible, and be the easiest way . There are many ways to set up budgets and to train yourself how to handle it, so always do what's best for you. Remember, we are all human and will make mistakes, but learn from them. This is where you take the basics and then improvise. It can become very challenging, but you need to feel that sometimes to get your attention. Go to professionals or read about what to do next. Stay committed to help make your life more comfortable as an end result. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! Money problems can never become so out of hand that there can't be a solution. There will always be a solution. Did you know just about everything in this world depends on numbers? Look around and realize that's exactly what's going on and it's your right to deal with YOUR numbers. If there's a more modern way to do a budget, then by all means, go for it. If it gets too complicated, there's probably instructions that will work it out. Hope they won't be like those instructions for getting a H D TV to work, or the multi-channel selector to operate. Those instructions need an electrician to decipher. The point being, do what works for you and don't let it get too complicated to the final end of giving up. You don't have to have a college education to set up a budget or to handle your money. You just have to push yourself in the right direction and stick with it for good results in your life.
THERE WILL ALWAYS BE EVENTS THAT SIDE-STEP YOU when dealing with your money. Crap happens but again, keep a good sense of humor and realize these also can be handled. Stay alert to basics and never put these aside, no matter what. If you keep up with your money, the other problems can be handled with when you are ready. Don't complicate your problem by adding another one. Not being, again, educated or trained in this field, I can only go by my own experiences and tell you this will help by staying alert. Attitude probably is 50 per cent a part of being successful, if that's not a little high. And getting support also helps, but only you can actually do anything, no one can do it for you. That was the hardest lesson for me to learn in life. Having my first child taught me that it was up to me to deliver this baby, no one could go through the actual delivery but me. Well, so far that's the way life has been. Again, not worrying and being happy really does help. Do your best and remember, your are worth it and look for your goal.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


EVERYONE LIKES TO GET GOOD DEALS, AND this time of year seems to bring all these people out with their recommendations. It's great to know what's available, but somethings can get out of control and before you know it, you're caught. Whether it be through the mail or on the Internet. My mom was a great type of person for getting hooked on mail-order deals. She didn't have to leave her chair and go out to get her purchases, they were always cheap, and she loved to open those boxes once they came. It was like Christmas every day to her. We sat her down and put all of her written checks the bank returned once cancelled and totalled them up to show her how much she was spending weekly on these purchases. She just smiled. We even pulled out some of the items and showed duplicates because you can only order so much and end up starting over again on purchasing these items. She soon realized she was training herself to do this and it was up to her to break the trend. It wasn't easy, but she finally got the message. We are really glad we never got her started on the computer. There's no telling how many sites are out there where you can really get hooked on buying with just the push of a button and a credit card. My mom always used checks, but in today's time, credit cards are much easier. Some stores are even set up to treat your check as a credit card and print a receipt you sign and then they give you back your check.
REALIZING HOW SPENDING CAN BE ANOTHER WAY OF TRAINING YOURSELF is something to work on all the time. Some people have more energy and go shopping every week-end. They get to a point that they can't skip one time or they feel this gap and missing of something. Not being medically educated, I have to go by what I've heard from different programs, but there's some kind of chemical released inside us to make us respond to either be happy or emotional. And any actions on our parts assist these responses. So if we train ourselves to be happy when we shop, then that's probably what we will end up doing to keep happy. This is where we have to come into control and deal with our emotions. Trying not to panic, but always being aware of our limitations, so we don't end up becoming unhappy. And being in a strangle hold of money problems is about the most unhappy anyone can become. With a little effort, this should be no problem to control and still remain happy. So enjoy this season of extra shopping and remain in control with training yourself to know your limitations. Keep to your budget and be happy with yourself.

Friday, December 7, 2007


LIFE INSURANCE, MEDICAL INSURANCE, HOME AND CAR INSURANCE are very expensive and are the hardest payments to regulate in a budget. Almost all states require car insurance in order to drive and having insurance helps if you live in a state that has no-fault insurance where you would have to fix your own car from an accident. In some cases, you are allowed PL &PD which covers only you and can still be expensive but affordable. This type of insurance has no assistance from state or employer to help you so it's totally up to you to find a good car insurance company and make the best set-up to get the insurance and meet the premiums. Life insurance usually is available where you work. The premiums can be low and range from any amount to help with funeral costs. Medical insurance is the most costly but with a little homework on your part can be obtained. Some employers will offer insurance packages and some states offer assistance, depending on your income and size of family. Medical services and prescriptions have gone out of sight cost wise. It is almost impossible to be without medical insurance and it gets worse the older you get and after you retire. Being very determined in your savings will help towards your retirement and these outrageous (sorry, lost it there for a moment) costs. Set up an actual savings account specifically targeted for medical expenses. When we were growing up, incomes weren't big enough to even consider this type of insurance. If you needed to go to the doctor, you made a bill and paid on it monthly like any other due bill. We could go into detail as to why the medical field has gone wild, but be concerned about protecting yourself and getting what you need for your health. It appears most insurance is being geared towards emergency needs rather than preventative medicine when it comes to coverage. This is reflected in what the companies say they will actually cover. Again, a little homework on your part should help with knowing and learning what you can afford. Looking at your budget, we have now come up with necessities that will always be in the budget. Medical insurance really should be one of these items just because it is so expensive. If there is ever anything done by anyone to get it back under control, then ones budget can be adjusted. Until then, commit and save to help keep some control.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


HARD WORK REQUIRES COMMITMENT and being in mental readiness to accomplish this task. We had oatmeal for breakfast with blueberries, supposedly good for the elders. And knowing this we thought about the process of making the oatmeal and how much easier it is to just open a box of cold cereal and pour it into a bowl. Going that extra step is really HARD!! And since it's not something we do every morning (which the recommendation is 30 days), it's easier to ignore. What's worse is the fact you can now do this in a microwave making it faster and easier, but still requiring the extra effort. So goes it with breaking bad habits and learning to train oneself in money discipline. Getting into the right frame of mind usually is easier to do when you fall to the bottom in the "pit" and agree something has to change to feel and get better where you and your money are concerned. If you're younger, it's easier to train yourself because you haven't gotten use to any bad habits.
GROCERY SHOPPING IS AS GOOD OF A PLACE TO START AS ANY when it comes to training yourself. Any good money management starts with a few recommendations as to how to go about food shopping. And you've probably heard them all;
1. Eat right before you food shop
2. Make a list
3. Take coupons for items you need
4. Check paper ads from all stores and go where they have the best prices
By now you realize this is going to take a little effort just to feed yourself or family. It's also suggested to buy groceries for a week or two, depending on your budget. Going every day for food is more costly for many reasons. Using more gas to drive to the store, not being there the day of the sales, etc. Set a specific day aside for groceries unless you run out of a staple such as milk or bread. Try to stay away from convenience stores unless it's an emergency. Learn to buy certain things that will last a week or two and adjust your grocery shopping day to cover these items. This is one money management that really affects your money more than anyone even suspects. It's the one big thing that can get out of control because it is time consuming and requires an effort on ones part. Most stores are set up to have more than food items so having to go to different stores isn't necessary. But again, watch prices as some of these stores will ask a higher price for the same item you can get cheaper somewhere else. Way the cost between gas usage and pennies for the price at a different store.
LOTS OF PEOPLE LIKE TO TREAT THEMSELVES and tend to spend a little extra on different foods or drinks. Always look at where your life is and if the cost will interrupt the situation enough to not be worth the extra expense. If all you can afford is hamburger instead of sirloin, then that's the adjustment needed. A Starbucks could replace that bottle of pop for you for the week. Way it out and if that's o.k. , then take the step. Getting into the habit of using these recommendations is a matter of training. Try them and adjust to what's working for you and track how it works with your money. There are many how-to-books and information out there for suggestions and recommendations that will help if these I've listed just don't work for you.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


CREDIT CARD INTEREST RATES going up higher has never been a surprise no matter how good you are at keeping up with payments and watching your balance. Until there's regulations regarding these issues, we are all pretty much at their mercy when borrowing their money. And that is what we are doing when we use a credit card. Some people can afford to pay off their balances monthly, but then there's the rest of us on a budget. Having only one credit card can somewhat help control this problem and make it a little easier to keep one's head above water. But that's how these companies make money and again what makes the world go round. It only adds to the frustration of not getting into a debt that becomes out of control. Don't panic and stay calm, but quit using that card even if you aren't done shopping. Believe me, the relatives can survive better knowing you're o.k. No one wants to be the cause of someones demise!! And the girlfriend should be a good person and big enough to accept anything instead of an expensive bangle (or take a second look if she's not). This is learning to train yourself on dealing with a budget and your money. Being hog tied to a credit card bill for more than a year is unnecessary. Looking at the balance and the payments can give a clue as to what action you need to take. Remember, you can always call the other creditors and make arrangements to help ease the problem.
WONDERING HOW THIS ALL STARTED is going back to the ads sent to you in the mail offering these good interest rates; of course small print reveals a limited period of time and then the interest rate will revert back to it's original price including any increases. Being totally aware of all the fine print is another way to do one's homework. Sometimes, even that will not stop this from changing and still be unexpected. Keep a good sense of humor and go in stride realizing anything that can happen, probably will. And, everyone seems to be hit by these changes. Regulate your use and remember, it's the same scenario with any credit card company, so don't be surprised when nothing is different if you change credit card companies.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


IT HAPPENS TO ALL OF US THIS TIME OF YEAR and it really gets time consuming as well as making a mess of our home with clutter. But, be patient, it's all part of what makes the world go around. The post office charges a signification postage rate to these companies and the companies supposedly get it back through the advertising anyone responds to. And sometimes there will be good deals to respond to. So take the time and read everything and think of yourself as adding to what makes the world continue to go around. Just remember to shred anything that has your name on it for a credit card application or any information that may be about you.
AN EMAIL WAS RECENTLY SENT TO US regarding a problem someone had ordering from a well-known company on line. And anything is possible that there could be complications. But it was one isolated incident, so we tend to read, be cautious, but check it out further before accepting this as gospel to the companies practice of handling on-line orders. Everyone has their stories as to what can happen, but it doesn't hurt to investigate further before coming to a conclusion. Again, it's important to do your homework when it comes to spending your money. Sounds like I'm trying to train you to become a tightwad, but honestly, would it hurt just to be diligent about your money?
SAVING MONEY AT THIS TIME into your savings account isn't easy to do at this time of year, so beating yourself up shouldn't be an option just because you don't save much during this time . There, now that's not training you to be a tightwad. But if you happen to manage your money using any of these suggestions, that sure sounds like you've given it the old college try and should pat yourself on the back. So good luck and keep working at managing your money during these next couple of weeks before the Holidays come to an end. Don't forget the after Holiday sales.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


THERE ARE OTHER INVESTMENTS YOU MAKE IN YOUR LIFETIME that will seem so little and really have no meaning to you at the time, but they will have real importance. Buying a home is a big investment, but how you manage it plays a very big part of your overall investment. My sister has a home that contains a broken dishwasher that she feels she can do without at this time, but she wants to sell this home and probably will have to replace the item before she puts it up for sale. Doing this will give selling points for the home. Just as giving the home a fresh coat of paint or adding a garage to the house or a deck,etc. , all lead to creating a better investment outcome. Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today. Keep your home as a business and replace and fix broken things right when they happen. In the long run you will save on rising costs of materials, because history shows nothing has come down in cost. The investment part only goes up when we are in a good market. But have you not heard the old adage, buy when prices are low?
MANY PEOPLE SAY THAT THERE'S NOT MUCH PROPERTY LEFT IN THE U.S. but look around. It's there, just costly or needing a lot of work. Past family in-laws bought property on one of those "we'll fly you free" packages in Florida to buy property, which they ended up doing. They sold it ten years or so ago (one block away from Disney World). You just never know what kind of result will actually come from an investment, but again try to do your homework.
WHEN SELLING A HOME OR A CAR even if you sell it as is, put some elbow grease into making it shiny and looking really good and well kept up. I've even done this with any apartment I've had, as I've gotten more mature (Heaven only knows what I was thinking when I was young). The point being, these are investments, and you want a good end result if you plan on capturing the money from these investments. As you get older, have your children or grandchildren help or hire someone to keep things in tip-top shape. In fact, getting older does make it easier to see the importance of all this. But no matter how small anything may seem to you, keep it in mind it's an investment. Don't walk away from it or ignore it, but also remember, it can't go with you once you're deceased. It's only on loan for your possession, not really yours at all. I find this way of thinking puts everything into prospective. And, this is another way of training yourself in handling your money. Keep up the good work!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


MONEY HAS A WAY OF BEING one of the "hot topics" in any marriage. The very first recommendation is to work together when it comes to money matters. Most couples start out together on the same money level. (NONE) If this is the case, talk to each other and learn the MONEY habits of each. For instance, I was a "tight-wad" and my second husband had money "burn" a hole in his pocket. Didn't take long at all to figure that one out. Both of us had to adjust and come to terms and reach the middle of compromising to get any where when it came to money. I had owned 2 houses in my first marriage and he had never owned a house in his lifetime. We both worked (he was against this saying it wasn't necessary, but I had two children from the first marriage who had needs). We opened a checking account and had our pays automatically deposited each week or two. We always sat down each week (weekly) and put our bills on the table and balanced the checkbook being aware of what was there and what needed to be paid. We went grocery shopping and Wally world shopping together. (He pushed the cart cause it held him up).
THERE WILL ALWAYS BE OPPOSITES when it comes to peoples demur; one is quiet while the other is out-spoken. Believe this is usually a good combination for people to be able to compromise, but that's just a guess. The main point is , use these characteristics to establish your "marriage" money habits. Be yourself but open up to each other and always be willing to know what's going on where the money is concerned. Women tend to say they really don't want to be bothered with complicated issues such as paying bills. But when or if something happens to the better half, that's exactly what's going to happen anyway. And how can that be done successfully if she's unaware of what there is or how to handle it. There are men who cop out and say they aren't good with money and let the wife take care of this and keep the checkbook. Again, this tends to create other bad money issues, and you both have a marriage which is a "BUSINESS" in itself. So keep it real and do all of it together. Times have changed since our grandparents days and keeping each other on the same level will work if we let the other know what's going on and how to handle every money situation.
WORKING MONEY PROBLEMS OUT BY YOURSELF usually leads to ulcers. Share the problem so then you both can have ulcers. Don't think that will happen, but try it and see. We've been raised to be private and money issues are about as private as anyone really wants to be, except with the spouse. Keeping your inner thoughts private about certain situations concerning money problems is o.k., saving an argument, but not keeping the issue from the other. This is one area each should be open with each other. For instance, if you lose your job, don't wait three weeks later when you're denied unemployment because you quit your job to let her/him know. That's really quite stressful and will help to create a second persons ulcers. Or there's a loan you took out without letting the other person know about and you don't have the money that's over-due. These type of things can only add to the frustration of an already complex situation just dealing with every day issues. These are some examples of training yourselves in handling your money. Previous training undoubtedly would make this a whole lot easier once you do get married, but again only in a perfect world "NOT".

Friday, November 30, 2007


WOULDN'T LIFE BE EASY IF WE COULD JUST TURN ON AND OFF all the bad habits we learn in our life time? What really seems silly is that it's probably that easy, because we do tend to learn by training ourselves. So goes with our money. Managing shouldn't be for select people, anyone with right training should be able to accomplish working with our own money. But, you have really got to want to and then be committed. This is probably true for any choices we make in life. Keeping a cool head and a good sense of humor should help, and try not to panic. Most bad habits seem to start from the panic mode. For instance, say your car breaks down and it happens right when you need to send your rent and there's not a cent left to do both. O.k., then you know you need the vehicle, but won't have the money for the rent till you have a late payment added on. Stress!! Trying to work this out begins the habit and what you do next. Because once you do figure out a way to handle this, that's probably the way you will always fix it cause it worked. If you train yourself to save, this could be a rewarding habit and cause less panic. All sounds easy, but like anything, it has to be worked at and remember to keep a good sense of humor. So setting up automatic transfer of funds from your checking to your savings will eliminate some of the work. I always try to take the route that requires less work. Now this habit can also become an addiction, so use caution, you don't want to become a tight-wad.
TRAINING YOURSELF TO DO THINGS THE EASY WAY with less work involved, might help keep the habit from becoming an addiction. Maybe even changing things around as to how you work at them may help. Oops, there's that word change. You may not like to change things, especially often, but then there's the challenge. Keep it simple and it should result in less work.
WATCHING WHAT YOU SPEND can become a habit, just as spending all the time can become a habit. Making a list of what you need to buy is a simple way to train yourself on shopping. Keeping a price in mind as to what amount you can spend will also help. Try leaving your money and credit card at home and just window shop. You can make a list of items you might need and their cost for future shopping. It's all about what you learn to think about your managing of your money.
HERE COMES YOUR BROTHER WHO NEEDS TO BORROW MONEY and believe me, he knows you have it. Don't think he hasn't been watching, but you're even less work to hit on and he has already developed his habits of managing his money. This is again another place to have a good sense of humor. Lend him money only once with stipulations he HAS to pay it back. And let him know it won't happen again until he does pay it back. You are now training him on a habit of borrowing. See how this all helps others as well as ourselves? But you really are training yourself to manage your money and making a habit to do it. Hang tough and smile.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


THE TODAY SHOW HAD A SELECTION ON "HAGGLING" and what a person can and should be willing to pay for in anything you purchase though it should not be the asking price. More information can probably be found on their MS NBC web site. But the lady stated you have to tell yourself you're not going to pay full price! More importantly, she said you have to believe you are worth asking for a lower price about everything. I guess this means nothing is set in stone. For instance, when you look for a car, there's a sticker on the window telling us what the price of the car is worth as it sits. Now of course, they really want to sell that car, and we are told to have a price set in our minds as to what we want to pay and what type of vehicle we are willing to pay that price before we even set out to look for this purchase. Then the talking begins and you make an offer or ask "What can you do for me so I can buy this car?" This is also where your homework comes in. If you have a trade-in, you should have a blue-book value on your vehicle and if you have money to also include as a down payment, leave these out of the figure. And go from there till the deal is reasonable, but if you're like me you won't feel comfortable. I'm told most people don't, because we don't think we're worth it. Or, it's too much work. But, if you don't ask, you won't know. All they can do is say no, but then look across the street, there's another dealer you can ask. Bet something might just come out of that before you walk out the door.
THIS CAN BE DONE FOR ANYTHING. Even at your Dr.s or optometrist, or any corner store. Say there's a test your Doctor wants for you, but the insurance won't cover it, ask for a lower price on the test. Those special frames you really look good in, but the insurance only covers $15.00 of the $100.00 price tag, ask what he can do for you. Friends of ours went to Mexico for a vacation and did this haggling when they purchased souvenirs, and told us the people feel insulted if you don't haggle on the merchandise. Here, we thought just the opposite. I guess if you think about it, that's what bartering was all about before currency came into existence. Not to get political, but do you think maybe that's what goes on between countries when it comes to aid and such? Hm mm!
ALL THEY CAN DO IS SAY "NO" but there's always a deal out there. It's sounds kind of like fun to see what could come out of trying this and maybe getting a little ahead by having extra money to save. With the economy so flexible, it sure couldn't hurt to try. Believing one is worth it seems to be the biggest challenge to overcome, but it's not impossible.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


HOW DID YOU DO AFTER BLACK FRIDAY AND CYBER MONDAY? Supposedly no one spent alot of money and got many discounts and bargins. GOOD FOR YOU!!!! This means you are being smart and knowing your limitations. And there's three weeks available to start making payments on your credit card charges which will also keep your interest rate down with the keeping of a lower balance. Doesn't do much for the "profits" of the big companies, but it does keep the economy alive and moving. And just wait till the day after Christmas! WOW!! Sales and bargins galore. So if you missed something for someone, you can still get it and probably cheaper. I've noticed the stock market has been bouncing around, but there' always tommorrow. Seems like it always changes almost with the "wind" or something.
DID YOU REMEMBER TO STILL SAVE? Now that's a really neat trick when you are busy spending and getting ready for a Holiday or whatever. But it's important to take care of you and the rest should fall into place. Borrowing too much is a bad trap a lot of people get themselves into when it comes to special occasions. There are, what is usually called, givens, when you have to borrow money to pay for a necessity; a car or education. But always keep these loans in perspective and make sure your budget will allow you to meet the monthly payments. Otherwise, hoof it, beg for a ride or buy a clunker and fix it (even if you don't know how). Education can be sought in the forms of grants or grandparents aid helping with the costs. Don't take any of this too seriously to the point of stressing yourself. Time will allow all to work out if you keep the faith and remain patient. In other words, believe it can and will happen and stay positive. Look how far you've come already as we get ready for this Holiday.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


FINDING THE RIGHT PERSON TO HELP with investing is a real trick. Again, you trust referrals as well as well established companies or banks. But you know that one "guy" that has a deal you just can't beat? Well, what do you do with him? It can be someone from your church, or even your own CPA, and something that can go wrong usually does go wrong. And who gets left holding the "o" in his hands. Yep, YOU!! Even under good circumstances it's hard to distinguish these people right up front. You're hoping they will handle everything and you just get to sit back and reap the rewards. A wise person ( even those on t.v.) have once said, " If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is, so beware". Good rule to go by when it's about your money. There's even those who will look you right in the face and tell you, don't come back and accuse me of being a scam artist and then there you go, that's what they turn out to be( could you only get that moment back to walk away!). And it really is hard to walk away because they give you a convincing picture of what could be, sometimes even with facts. This is where a little foot work on your part can do you more good than harm. I know, where do you start? Usually a background check of the person themselves either on the Internet, or through others who have had past dealings with the person. And you don't have to let the person know other than saying you'll get back with him/her. If they give you, it's got to be today, then that would be a good sign to walk away. It didn't happen yesterday, so today won't make any difference.
GETTING A SECOND OPINION from other companies or banks is always another good way to do foot work. Some will offer free fees or no-loads( no fee charged accounts) with good interest rates and actual re-investments with little to do on your part. Just remember, everyone is in the "business" to make money and sometimes it will cost you a little to get a good return. You have the right to know this information so ask!
IT'S O.K. TO HAVE YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU, but you want it available to you when you need it, so ask about the recommended accounts and what their limitations and penalties are if you need to get to your money. Some accounts will also charge an interest fee for early withdrawal as I mentioned earlier in this blog. Knowing facts and getting them in black and white will help you keep up with everything that's going on with your accounts. Buy yourself a 4 drawer filing cabinet or those pleated file holders and keep all your information in those. Everything changes on a daily bases, and what you started out with will change in the following year. And if you sleep any at night, you won't remember how you even started your account, let alone what has gone on with it during that year. For tax purposes, you should hold onto this information for 3-7 years, but I recommend forever. That way, if anything happens to you, your family can have the fun of going through all that paper work and try to figure out exactly what's going on or if it even still exists. Kind of a neat way of giving a history of your past actions throughout your life.
LETTING YOUR FAMILY KNOW WHAT you have is a preference. As we get older, it's good to have someone aware of what your needs are as well as how you pay for them. But this is a subject for another day. Being up-to-date on the options you have for investing is important as well as knowing how to find the right person to help you with this action that is for your future. Remember to do your homework and all should work out for the positive.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Investing for the future can be the most exciting part of your life. But it can also be very confusing and time consuming. With all the things there are to do in life, who really can do this.
SOMETIMES it can be as simple as 1,2,3 by talking with your personnel office person or simply getting an investment company that either is available through your place of employment or from a reference from a family member or trusted friend. There are IRA accounts available at banks and credit unions with good interest rates and they are also free from service charges. Going with an investment company through work can also be free from charges. A few minutes more of asking questions can verify that fact. When going with a private investment company, there may be fees and other charges involved, but earning possibly better interest. Asking for information about these companies if considering to deal with them will also answer these types of questions.
THE INTERNET CAN HAVE SECURE LINKS that are usually linked with the companies and or banks you deal with. Again, it is through preference that these type of accounts can be established. Most everyone wants to make money, but not have to do all the foot work. Feeling comfortable with someone to handle this for you is sometimes a hard feat to accomplish, but again; this is where family references come in handy. And asking the right questions will also help. Knowing what the right questions are is another problem. But the only dumb questions are the ones not asked. If someone belittles you for asking any question, then you may need to look at that particular person a little more closely. And you know that ole "gut" feeling? Well, if you ever get it with a company or person who is about to handle your hard earned money, "TRUST" that feeling cause it's 90 % times right.
THERE'S ALWAYS GOING TO BE THAT one person who knows what you should do, but is it really right for you? The talk is always good and you do want to make a retirement for yourself, but extremes are not necessary. Especially when you are first beginning to save. There's this catch 22 that gets everybody now and then and you find yourself borrowing against your accounts or cashing in those bonds before they mature. Don't bog yourself down until you get enough good money raises where it won't hurt you to put away a little extra. At this point, try to even make it difficult for you to get your hands on any of the savings, and try to forget it's there. Then if an emergency does come up, you will have it to rely on, although even then you might be able to figure out a better solution to the emergency.
LEARNING TO BE THE CONTROLLING FACTOR of your accounts is challenging and scary, but trust yourself. There are things you can do over the phone, through a secured Internet link and at your bank. If you make a mistake, usually you can correct it. I once transferred money from one account to another over the phone. They sent me papers to sign to make sure it was me. In a couple of years the account did better then when it was in the first account. And I only regret I hadn't found out how to do it earlier, cause it was some time that had got wasted. The credit unions offer bumps on some of their fixed c.d.s which allow you to get a higher interest a certain amount of times a year. Since interest rates change often, this can only be allowed so many times. And c.d.s can be changed once they mature. There are Roth IRAs which you pay taxes on up front. Don't hesitate to ask questions on the types of accounts that are available and how you can handle them.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I love watching the Nascar races and have heard drivers give descriptions of their attitude towards speed and the cars they drive. The main word they all have in common is RESPECT. They have learned about the cars they drive and what the cars will and can do when the driver handles them on the race track. But it also gets a little more philosophical when it comes to this word respect. It includes the respect for themselves and how much confidence and belief they have in themselves as race car drivers. So does this go in just about anything in life, including money. If you respect yourself, then you will respect how you get your money and how to properly handle it's existence and how you make it work for you. In other words, you would not do something to get money that would hurt you or jeopardize your position in life! If you have respect for yourself as to how you are in life and keep a positive attitude, then your money will be controlled the same way and that shows respect for your money. When you look at what you have achieved, you gain pride and know it deep down inside where it counts. If you happen to accomplish a better way of life in the world for others along the way, then humbly that's also rewarding. But confidence is knowing inside you are where you want to be with yourself and like yourself for it without depending or relying on others for this gratification.
PEOPLE USING OTHER PEOPLE to gain "anything" is a lazy way to get to their goal unless the people they use also gain from this procedure. Like the Ford's making cars only to turn around and sell the cars right back to the person who worked on the car which appears to have a justifiable end. The person making the car also got compensation for his time and used the monies for whatever; i.e.( paying for rent, food, etc.). In other words, neither of the two got hurt in this process of making money. However, if a person earns money by robbing (stealing) or the selling of drugs; well you can see what the result of this choice will lead in the long run. Someone getting Hurt!!! And it shows a lack of confidence and respect for ones self if they don't believe in themselves. Also this choice could become costly not only money wise but could take away the time one has to live and enjoy life by being locked away and losing their rights.
WE'VE COME ALONG WAY BABY but the pay status is still unbalanced when it comes to gender. So in reading this blog, it may have sounded one gendered, and I apologize for that interjection. But fact is fact. The guy still gets more income for most of the menial positions than the gal and that means he will be relied on for the better income. That doesn't mean the gal goes off tangent and spends the income recklessly and doesn't have the respect for money. If there are two of you, more income to "play" with, i.e. spend, invest and save! And ladies, there are many rich and successful women out there who had to start somewhere before the male became part of the equation. So include yourselves in this Account 4 your money and hopefully all suggestions and recommendations can apply to you. After all, I am women and have tried to follow all of this as I earned my way in life. However, I wish I had done it sooner and then I could have been well set in life or a lot more comfortable than I am right now. But, thought I knew it all then and was too stubborn to take any hints to heart. This is where having a good attitude comes into play. Try to be happy and not too serious about life or yourself. We can actually blame this on how we were raised and the world environment (laws and guidelines we were suppose to follow which have changed drastically). It can be controlled by you and your choices and the following of legitimate guidelines. And if you have any bad habits, you can choose to change them and become what you believe you can become. This can be the start of something new and fun and wonderful!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


YOU HAVE ALL THAT PAPER WORK, the spindle receipts, your statement, and maybe even some cancelled checks. The works has very pertinent information about you and must at this point be put under protection. I recommend purchasing an inexpensive cross cut shredder for just these particular moments. Also, statements usually are three pre-holed punched, so buy a cheap three hole book binder. A shoe box works well for cancelled checks ( recommended to keep for 3-5 years for tax purposes). After you have balanced your check book, you no longer need those spindle receipts; keep the one for the new t.v. or i pod and staple it to the information book in case you need to return the product which usually requires a receipt. Otherwise, you can now shred those pesky pieces of paper. Sometimes it's good to keep the latest utility or phone receipt in case of errors or changes to the services. Use to your own discretion, but you can keep them in that same shoe box. By the way, the spindle in your car might be better in the glove compartment or under a seat out of sight. Never know when the wrong environment will appear when least expected. No sense in leaving an open door. And those pre-approved credit card applications? SHRED,SHRED,SHRED!!!! Never just throw these away. Look at that receipt from Wally World, it's got your signature if you used your credit card or ATM debit card. See why these should be shredded?
HAVING YOUR IDENTITY TAKEN OVER CAN and will create a nightmare. Needing to protect your income covers everything you do and how your habits are established. Take that extra minute to proceed with the required actions to secure your property. Be aware of everthing around you. Don't have to be parenoid, just diligent. Can't even begin to know where or what would have to be done to correct a persons identity, but from what I hear it ain't easy!!! Some of the stories, I'm sure, you can find on any blog or news blog out there in cyber space. But, keeping the habit of watching your steps can be a start of controlling your own outcome with how secure your information is kept. For instance, check out secure sites when using a credit card or account information. Find out the rules and deal with good and well known companies. Some of the bigger companies tend to sell some information, but they have private policy issues that they give up front whenever you deal with them. And don't be afraid to ask questions.
A DUMB question is the one not asked.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


NOW YOU HAVE AN INCOME AND A BANK ACCOUNT and are officially in the world wide system of establishing your credit. And it begins with all those "pre-approved" credit card applications. Well, yes it doesn't hurt to open a credit card, but be chosey and pick the lowest high interest rate charge. Most cards have a limit, usually $5,000.00. I recommend never using more than $1,000.00 the first year and pay this back without charging any more on the card. This is now establishing your credit. Hint: never spend more than you have. Your budget now comes into play here. Another very important note; don't put off tomorrow what you need to do today. In other words, the credit card bill will have a due date and the amount you pay should be there by that date. Otherwise, not only will you pay high interest, but also a late fee. And really, you have worked too hard to just give your money away. Sound silly? Not really. One year I decided to start looking down any time I walked and started to pick up money from the ground. At the end of that year, I collected $40.00. Lots of people think it's only a penny or nickle or whatever, but boy can it add up!
So don't give or lose your money. It's yours and be in charge of watching over its care.
Your ATM card can also be used as a credit/debit card, however, it takes the money immediately out of your checking account. This is okay once you have a sound balance to work with, however, be careful with available balances and not being charged for an over-draft fee. By the way, there's no high interest fees on this type of card, yet. And keep your spindle handy for that receipt.
SETTING UP A BUDGET has a lot to do with income. If you make minimum wage, you have to live accordingly. And this is hard unless you live with your parents. Once you can get raises and work more hours, a budget can be easily adapted and used to help you grow. Never be afraid to try and apply yourself to grow and become better. It will probably help make the world better and be more fun. Mom use to say, have a good sense of humor in life and things will be easier to bear. Just remember to not spend more than you get and all of this will fall into place. There's a big world of growing out there and money, without a doubt, makes it all work! When working you set up how your income is handled. If you're single, you claim 0 on your tax deductions. At the end of the year you get to file income tax and probably will get back all the taxes that were held out of your paycheck and paid to the IRS.
You can have direct deposit (highly recommended). Look at what your bills incompass; rent, car payment, and probably cell phone service as well as car insurance ( don't forget the $5.00 saving deposit). If the out-going is more than the incoming, try to adjust some of the billing .i.e. better cell-phone packages without having to take a penalty. At this point, you're trying to get yourself in a good habit of balancing and checks. Be patient because this will take time. Look where you were last year and it's gone and you can never change it, so start from this day to grow. Shall we try to set up a mock budget?
income / bills

6-1-07 $1,000.00 / 6-1-07 $250.00 rent (if you were sharing an apt.)
750.00 / 6-20-07 $ 25.00 cell phone
725.00 / 6-25-07 $250.00 car payment
475.00 / 6-30-07 $175.00 car insurance
300.00 / 6-30-07 $5.00 to savings
bal 295.00

This didn't include food or cost of fuel or even utilities; but that's sort of the idea. These would be on a monthly set up and again would depend on the income for the month. Saving is a great plan and this also can be set up by your employer or bank. Just ask when you first are hired or when you go to your payment department to set up direct deposit. There are probably other sources out there for you to get information, so get busy.

Friday, November 16, 2007


BANKING CAN BE VERY FRUSTRATING when you try to open an account. You waited two weeks for your first paycheck (policy with new jobs) and now the bank wants to put a 7-10 "working" day hold on these funds. Cheez! Well, be patient. No one said it was going to be easy, but hang in there. You also get an ATM card which is really very scarey. It is a good way to keep you from getting UNAVAILABLE FUNDS. HINT -DON'T SPEND WHAT YOU DON'T HAVE. Yep, those 7-10 day holds from the checks (your pay) that get deposited. Direct Deposit actually makes this work easier, so ask your boss about this event. Oh, and if you're fortunate, your account will actually pay interest depending on the required regulations for the type of account you open. When balancing your checking account you will need to remember to add these few cents to your balance. This will also appear on the monthly statements.
FOR ALL THE YOUNG PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T A CLUE why any of this is important now, I recommend you begin saving for your old age. Jobs today won't have retirement plans and you really may get use to the way you're living now when you get to the ripe old age of retirement. When I was a yougster(I'm old as dirt by the way) we were told if you started to deposit $2,000.00 a year into an IRA you would be a millionair by retirement. Well, I never did meet anyone that did that nor did I. It's not easy to get that kind of money, even in a year together, to start this account. IRS will give you until April 15 of the filing year to deposit it into an IRA for the previous year and it's tax free until you start drawing on the account after 59 1/2 years of age. More power to you if you actually accomplish the IRA account. If nothing else, ask grandparents to deposit $2,000.00 for you and forget all the other gifts and holiday spending.
KNOWING WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH YOUR MONEY is your right, but you can't put off till tomorrow what you need to do today. My granddaughter wants to be a rich and famous singer and she has potential at age 11. However, her math has a lot to be desired. She told me it wasn't important for a girl to know all this and that she would get a manager to handle her money. You can see where I'm going with this already, right? You need to know everything available to control what's going on with your money and that it's safe and doing the things you want and need with only your hands. Yes, investments are fine, but again watch for loop holes and signing things that cause you to loose that control.
NOW FOR SOME LECTURING CONCERNING THE best ways to accomplish the bottom line. If you're in high school take an elective bookkeeping or accounting course. These show you basics and are made simple to follow. If an adult take a six to nine week course at the local night school class or at your community college. I guarantee it will be time well invested and give you the basic needs of handling your money. It's great to become independent while supporting yourself, but later on you may even want to make more money and have fun doing this with different routes to follow as you learn and grow.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Checking accounts

checking accounts need attention at least monthly. Balancing an account each month will keep up with deposits , withdrawals, and any fees. But you already knew this!!!
keeping all receipts from your checking accounts is one of the most important rules of the monthly habit of keeping up with your account. Suggest you get one of those spindles at any store and place it near your entrance of your home or in your car and stick the receipt on it as you get it.
collecting the information to do your monthly check-up means all the receipts and the checking account info you get from the bank. Boring but in these times needs to become a bad habit!!!
Pay-in Pay-out
+ -

never less never more
= balance
income should always be the key in maintaining what can be spent. A simple rule ; you never spend more than you get and never count on what you should get tomorrow to dictate spending!
keep it simple but ask for help either from your bank or a trusted family member. I strongly reject asking a friend for help. Usually they need just as much help!
making entries in your check book for everything you do is good, but lets face it, times just aren't always there for this to be done. And if you're like me, the old noggin easily forgets since I probably have slept since that event. This is where the spindle helps. If you can save every action done on your account, this would help save steps to know where your account stands. And you have the RIGHT to know this information!
saving money can be an easy task by automatic deduction of say $5.00 a month( or what you can afford) into a savings account. Know it doesn't sound like a lot, but hey isn't it five more than you had yesterday? Banks now offer over-draft just for emergencies with savings account.
emergencies happen when a car breaks down and there goes the balance otherwise known as the budget. Any emergency can upset the budget, but the savings account can help.
Sometimes a budget has to be adjusted to help, but make calls to the people you have to put off for the next week. If you have an income, they tend to be very liberal in order to save the cost and time of collections.
budgets are easy to make; income (pay) debit (expenses) never to be more than the income! x amount of dollars = x amount of expenses. less the $5.00 you transfer to savings.
Sure you want that I pod yesterday, but restrain yourself and you might get it on sale when you can afford it. All good things come to those who wait.