Friday, December 14, 2007


ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES A PERSON MAKES is thinking it's o.k. to add another bill just because everything runs pretty smooth for a couple of weeks. It is so easy to forget, that just a week ago, you were broke. This week you're fine so you figure why not get that Internet service that's faster, but does cost a lot more. Or maybe you got a raise and decide now is the time to upgrade your cable service. Being sure you are were you want to be and doing all the bill paying and savings should always be in the picture. Not being prepared can be more costly in the long run. If you really can't afford this extra, swallow and forget it for the moment. Everything takes time, and this is where you need to be patient. Most people want everything yesterday, but it will be there tomorrow and maybe cheaper or with more affordable options. Do your homework and not put yourself in a bind where you'll lose the service quickly before you can enjoy it. And there are always many excuses or circumstances for reasoning why you think it's o.k. to act when you aren't ready.
BIG PURCHASES ALREADY WORK AGAINST your budget, but because they are a necessity, you are put in that position right from the start. Needing a car to get back and forth to work is a must and usually your biggest bill along with rent (unless you live with your parents). Essentials include, heat, food, lights, and fuel for your car, but they all contribute to hitting the budget. Adding another non-essential only adds more pressure if you are not really ready to afford the extra cost. Take everything into account when looking at the whole picture and slow down and sleep on it before making that decision. Choosing the right phone service that you can afford may not be your way of doing things, but you will get where you want to be if you work at it. Start small just like you would do when taking a bite of something you've never had and aren't sure you would even like. Keep the "ego" out of the picture and look smart instead of trying to impress others. You're the one that has to deal with your management of your money and they disappear with their own problems. Keep working on that budget and your savings and also work at being patient.

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